Kung-Chien Chia, founder of ILoveMilk. As a veterinarian, he not only takes care of the common household animals, but he also cares for the smuggled alien and foreign species in the animal shelter.
Being one of a few veterinarians for large animals, the lives of the veterinarians in rural areas have given him a different yet novel view. Growing up in a fancy city like Taipei, living in Yunlin has become an eye-opener for him towards possessing various perspectives. Seeing the ways that farmers care for the animals and also being a part of it, he realized the difficulties and struggles that farmers are facing. Kung believes that there needs to be a breakthrough and resolution under these unreasonable and unequal trading conditions.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx