(6 Mar 2002)
1. House belonging to Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe's relative James Chikerema
2. Chikerema and his wife walking in garden
3. Chikerema and his wife stood
4. Chikerema looking around
5. Chikerema sat with his wife
6. Chikerema's 'Vote MDC' badge
7. SOUNDBITE: (English) James Chikerema, Relative of Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe:
"It was Zanu-PF and President Mugabe in particular who has seen to the destruction of the economy of this country. So as such he cannot really bring new changes. He has completely lost. He has no longer any new ideas which are necessary to retrieve the economy of this country."
8. Chikerema and his wife
9. SOUNDBITE: (English) James Chikerema, Relative of Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe:
"I must say god forbid that President Mugabe wins these elections. Because that will be the end of Zimbabwe as we know it."
10. Chikerema's hat
11. SOUNDBITE: (English) James Chikerema, Relative of Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe:
"He has the problem of being a loner. He doesn't mix easily with people. He is a person who keeps to himself. And those are characteristics of dictators. Dictators do not mix with people."
12. Chikerema's badge
13. SOUNDBITE: (English) James Chikerema, Relative of Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe:
"This campaign has really brought out the real character of President Mugabe. It has brought him out as a complete racist and racism is a doctrine that is completely unacceptable in this global world today."
14. Chikerema and his wife
15. SOUNDBITE: (English) James Chikerema, Relative of Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe:
"Violence has been propagated by Zanu PF. It has seen to it that the institutions of state such as the CIO (Central Intelligence Office) are 'zanu-ised' - they are actually branches of Zanu PF and as such these institutions has been used to terrorise all people that are yearning for change. They are the people who actually matter, in members of the opposition."
16. Cutaway Chikerema drinking beer
17. SOUNDBITE: (English) James Chikerema, Relative of Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe:
"What they will do on the night, on the 9th or the 10th, is their own secret, they will vote through their hearts, not through their mouth. So I have no doubt that given the fact that they will turn up in their millions that the great majority of the people will vote for change."
18. Chikerema with his wife
19. SOUNDBITE: (English) James Chikerema, Relative of Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe:
"If he loses the elections and he does not want to stand down, there will be bloodshed in this country because I can see the army will split and there may be a lot of bloodshed if the army splits."
20. Chikerema walking back to the house
A relative of Zimbabwe's president has criticised Robert Mugabe and says he strongly supports the opposition Movement for Democratic Change.
James Chikerema is related Mugabe and grew up with him at the same Catholic mission in Kutama, Zimbabwe.
When Mugabe was seven and Chikerema five, the Kutama mission was led by an Irish Jesuit. Mugabe said to be a brilliant scholar.
Chikerema, now 76, says Mugabe is a 'loner' whose behaviour patterns are typical of a dictator.
He also says it will be disastrous for Zimbabwe if Mugabe wins the elections this weekend, predicting bloodshed for the country.
In the 60's Mugabe joined the independence struggle. It led him to 10 years in prison where, according to Chikerema, he became a bitter man and his anti-white feelings grew strongly.
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