Happy Holidays Everyone! Join us on our Christmas adventure on the ocean in Kitimat BC, Canada.
We love getting out even if the forecast isn’t the best. We are spontaneous and sometimes risk takers! Come along for a winter cruise with our boat dog Ranger! Some wildlife, whales and seals. Also some HOT springs!
#nordhavn #nordhavn_dreamers #trawler #skookum1 #kitimatcouple #exploring #ocean #yachts #nordhavn_yachts #bccoast #fishing #swells #kitimat #boating #sealife #cruising #nautical #nordhavn_northwest #greatbearrainforest #nordhavn40 #kitimat #northernbc #canada #boatdog #boatmaintenance #slowcruiser #borador #dockdog #nordhavnsales#futureliveaboards #marinas #dieselboat #oceancrosser #yachtechinc #kitimattourism #doctornordhavn #grizzlybears #beautifulbritishcolumbia #northpacificyachts #fishing #dinghyexploring #lagoons #bears #boatingadventures #offshorefishing #hellobc #seals #Bishopbay #humpbackwhales #hotsprings #winteroceancruising