Very beautiful and elegant interpretation of the romantic "Dance of Yi People" -with the purest sound and emotion from Liu Fang's pipa playing. (Pipa is a traditional string instrument from China, in the same family as lute or guitar. ) It is upon listening to this piece (彝族舞曲) that I have become big fan of Liu Fang's. The original music was composed by Wang Huiran (王惠然)in the early 60s based on some folk dance music of the Yi, one of the 26 minorities in the Province of Yunnan. The melody was used by an Chinese pop group so that it became known to many people (including myself) as a pop song called "Nine hundred ninty nine roses". Later on I discovered that it is a pipa solo music. This piece is one of the most celebrated examples for compositions based on folk melodies, and indeed has become one of the most popular pieces of the pipa repertoire, even among the traditional repertoires, and is commonly regarded as one of the best classical pipa solo compositions ever created in the last century.
I love Liu Fang's interpretation. At the moment I cannot find a video of her playing, just MP3 sample in
and many pictures in her website:
I just put then together and hope you like it.
Merry Christmas and happy new year.
Musica China De Pipa - :
La mayoría de la música contemporánea para la pipa toma avanzadas técnicas de ésta y de la teoría de la música. Las fuentes de la inspiración son ricas y en su mayoría melodias tradicionales y folclóricas. De hecho, muchas piezas simplemente modificadas, transcribe o recompone estas melodias y ellas mismas llegan a ser parte de un repertorio clásico como la famosa Danza de la Gente de Yi (Wang Hui- Ran).
"Danse folklorique des Yi" - musique traditionnelle chinoise interprétée par Liu Fang, soliste de renommée internationale pour le pipa (luth chinois) et de la guzheng (cithare chinoise).
"Danza folclórica de Yi" - música china tradicional interpretada por Liu Fang, internacionalmente aclamado solista de pipa (laúd chino) y guzheng (cítara china).
"Volkstanz Yi" - traditionelle chinesische Musik mit Liu Fang, international anerkannte Solistin für Pipa (chinesische Laute) und Guzheng (chinesische Zither).
Музыка Китая: "Танец из Ии Люди" ( Ван ХулЖан для , 1960). Этот шедевр является одной из самых известных пьес для пипа музыки (пипа соло). Пипа это традиционный китайский инструмент, китайская лютня (или гитара) с 4 строки. Солист: Лю Фан (劉芳).
čínský hudba: lidový tanec Yi, z lidové hudební tradice na loutnu.
琵琶演奏家刘芳演绎的《彝族舞曲》韵味独特,音色纯净,感人至深。 [这首乐曲 的主旋律曾被用于流行歌曲999朵玫瑰 (999 roses), 广为人知 。]
中国琵琶奏者 劉芳
리우팡의 비파연주