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劇場版:窮小子愛上司令之女,怎料卻被心機女矇騙多年,知道真相後立馬求娶女神 #ChineseDrama #xiaozhan #liqin #Movie #romance #relationship

華語中劇天天看 20,634 11 months ago
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✨ 歡迎訂閱 Welcome to Subscribe ✨ 華語中劇天天看 📺 💿《命中注定愛上你/Cure Me, Love Her》FULL PLAYLIST 👉 📺 Drama Name:命中注定愛上你 | Cure Me, Love Her 🎬 Episodes: 38 💌 Synopsis: 20世紀70年代末的北京城,5個年輕人在什剎海冰場不期而遇。大院子弟肖春生痞氣聰慧、瀟灑不羈,葉國華慷慨仗義,陳宏軍木訥好學,賀紅玲美麗傲嬌,佟曉梅溫柔嫻靜。 不久後,陳宏軍考上大學,其餘四人則在軍營重聚,他們都憧憬着能在部隊建功立業、報效國家。一次執行特殊任務時,肖春生替葉國華排雷導致受傷,不得不提前退伍回京治療。在佟曉梅的照顧下,肖春生很快康復,二人喜結連理。 進入21世紀,肖春生和退伍後的葉國華都從事醫療器械行業,但因理念不同,兄弟二人在商場再起衝突。最後,堅守誠信與義氣的肖春生感化了葉國華,在國家需要醫療器械支持時,葉國華放下自身利益從大局出發,為國家做出了貢獻。 又是一年冬天,肖春生等人重聚冰場,回想青春往事,懷念夢中的那片海。 In the late 1970s in Beijing, China, five young people unexpectedly meet at the Shichahai Ice Rink. Xiao Chunsheng, a rebellious and intelligent young man from a large courtyard, Ye Guohua, generous and righteous, Chen Hongjun, a quiet and studious individual, He Hongling, beautiful and proud, and Tong Xiaomei, gentle and serene. Shortly after, Chen Hongjun enters university while the remaining four reunite in the military camp. They all aspire to make achievements and serve their country in the army. During a special mission, Xiao Chunsheng gets injured while clearing mines for Ye Guohua and is forced to retire early and return to Beijing for treatment. With the care of Tong Xiaomei, Xiao Chunsheng quickly recovers, and the two of them happily get married. Entering the 21st century, both Xiao Chunsheng and the retired Ye Guohua work in the medical equipment industry. However, due to different ideals, the two brothers clash in the business world. Ultimately, Xiao Chunsheng, who upholds integrity and loyalty, influences Ye Guohua. When the country needs support in medical equipment, Ye Guohua sets aside his own interests and contributes to the nation. Another winter arrives, and Xiao Chunsheng and the others reunite at the ice rink, reminiscing about their youth and cherishing the dreams of that distant sea. 🌟 Ancient Puppet Sweet Drama 🌟 《訴今朝/Echoes of the Ming Era》FULL PLAYLIST: 《神醫小萌妻/Divine Doctor's Darling Wife》Full Playlist: 《撿來的夫君是王爺/The Husband I Picked Up is a Prince》Full Playlist: 《公主馭夫記/The Emperor Loves Me Madly》Full Playlist: 《帝女覃川/Yes, Your Majesty》Full Playlist: 《魔王歸來/The Demon Lord Returns》Full Playlist: 《雲襄戀歌/Love Story of Yunge》Full Playlist: 💎 CEO Falls in Love with Cinderella 💘 《我的人間暖陽/My sunshine in life》Full Playlist: 《總裁家的小裁縫/The CEO's Petite Dressmaker》Full Playlist: 《以愛之名/In Love's Embrace》Full Playlist: 《替身千金/Substitute Heiress》Full Playlist: 《霸道總裁契約妻/The Overbearing CEO's Contract Wife》Full Playlist: 《追愛大作戰/Battle for Romance》Full Playlist: #微微一笑很傾城 #LOVEO2O #虞書欣 #許凱 #楊冪 #劉詩詩 #湯唯 #朱亞文 #喬振宇 #俞灝明 #張藝興 #layzhang #tangwei #zhangyixing #鄧家佳 #楊怡 #TV #趙麗穎 #佘詩曼 #肖戰 #王一博 #趙露思 #zhaolusi #劉亦菲 #Liuyifei #lixian #李現 #龔俊 #gongjun #迪麗熱巴 #dilireba #yangyang #楊洋 #中國古裝劇 #古裝喜劇 #甜寵劇場 #中國電視劇 #中國電視劇 #sweet #dramaclips #甜寵偶像劇 #甜寵 #甜寵愛情劇 #甜寵偶像劇 #LoveScenes #大陸電視劇 #中國電視劇 #電視劇 #大陸劇 #陸劇 #2024電視劇 #電視劇2024 #2024最新電視劇 #2024都市劇 #都市劇2024 #2024最新都市劇 #2024chinesedrama #chinesedrama2024 #soldier SSL
