Christmas Plan with Me for November 2024. Join me today and see how a create a priority list to guide me through the planning phases of Christmas in November. I talk through my entire process working around what I currently have on my schedule and suggesting tips for you and how you can accomplish your tasks and goals for Christmas as well. This isn't one of the other Christmas planner videos showing you a blank printable and talking about how I "might" use it. Nah. This is me actually showing you how I plan and develop my action steps to get tasks done. #functionalplanning in action.
If you are just clicking into my channel. Welcome! I created a planning series back in June 2024 creating my Christmas project book and planning system from the ground up. The idea with "Let's Plan Christmas" is that you follow along with me to create your own Christmas planner. Or maybe just watch for amusement. I do review the creation process of my Christmas project book fully at least twice in this video. I also show you how I utilize my Filofax personal rings as my schedule and satellite for my Christmas book.
It's long because I kept it real. There is an annoying Christmas present gif that appears several times in the video; that's because I forgot to remove a sticky note with some identifying info. Heck if you see it's not the end of the world. Hope you enjoy the video. Let me know what you think in the comments below.
Time Stamps:
0:00-0:17: Opening Screens
0:17-8:35: Video Introduction and Review of the Lets Plan Christmas Series and Planning Process.
8:35-22:13: How my Christmas Project Planning Book works for planning and flip through of the book and how each section works.
22:13-26:40 Creating a priority list for today's planning session for November Christmas Planning. How I plan.
26:40-35:52: Planning Time! Scheduling/Planning Priority 1. How I use my #filofax in conjunction with my #happyplanner Christmas book.
35:52- 42:29 : Scheduling the planning process for my Christmas Party. Talking out my steps. Priority 2.
42:29-49:29 : Christmas and Christmas Eve preplanning strategy. Priority 3. Scheduling time to decorate for Christmas. Priority 3.
49:29- 53:41 : The Lies of Black Friday and Cautions of online Christmas Shopping and delivery.
53:41-55:49: Christmas Day Planning Items Continued
55:49- 1:04:03 : Plotting the rest of the Items from my planning sheets. Strategies for getting things done.
1:04:03-1:11:32: Priority 4 Scheduling Thanksgiving Action Items
1:11:32- 1:17:14: Filling out the Monthly Action List for November Christmas Planning.
1:17:14-1:20:22 :Bonus! Logging a receipt in my Christmas Budget Section, how the monthly budget check in works for Christmas.
1:20:22-1:30:32 : Review of my Christmas planning process and how it can work for you.
1:31:32-1:31:37: End Screen Thank you for Watching!
#filofax #happyplanner #christmas2024 #christmasplanner #christmasplannersetup #personalrings
Christmas Planning Series, Follow Up Videos, and Christmas Planning 2024 Videos Playlist:
Create Your Own Christmas Planner With Me! Let's Plan Christmas Episode List:
Episode 1: How to Plan for Christmas creating your source material for planning.
Episode 2: Processing Your Notes and Creating Your Planning Sheets for Christmas
Episode 3: Christmas Party Planning and Creating an Event Planning Page and Actions List:
Episode: 4: Flip through of My Christmas 2024 planner before most of the pen
The main happy planner notebook I use is no longer available. However there are some elements you can still purchase:
Happy Planner Christmas Extension Pack:
Woodland Charm Christmas Planner Companion:
Good luck with your Christmas planning in November! Leave any questions, comments, etc below!