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Chulgiri Jain Temple Jaipur Rajasthan | चूलगिरी जैन मंदिर | Hidden Paradise of Jaipur

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#chulgirijaintemple #chulgirijaipur #chulgirimandir #JainTempleJaipur Chulgiri Jain Temple Jaipur Rajasthan | चूलगिरी जैन मंदिर | Hidden Paradise of Jaipur CHULGIRI JAIN TEMPLE Address :- Chulgiri Road, Ghat Ki Guni, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302017 Timing :- 7AM TO 5PM Camera or phone is not allowed in temple . Apko locker par rakhna padega phone or camera fir ap andar ja skte hai . Apko jaipur ka bhut sundar view dekhne ko milega mandir se . One of the finest Jain Temple in Jaipur. Its located on the top of the hill. Canteen is available at temple . About Chulgiri Jain Temple Chulgiri Jain Temple Jaipur Rajasthan .Surrounded by the Aravali, Chulgiri is a beautiful holy place of Jainese. There is a famous Jain temple of Digambara shrine perched on top of the North end of the Jhalana Range. The Chulgiri temple is also called as Siddha Bhoomi. It has been said that Indrajeet and Kumbhakaran (Ravana’s son) have also visited these temples for meditation and a feeling of liberation. This temple is not only popular in India but also famous all over the world. Every year in the month of May a major event (festival) is organized over here, the same way a festival named Panch Kalyanak was organized in May 1982. Chulgiri remains a prominent place being one of the most adventurous places of the Pink City. Chulgiri hills offer a more rustic trekking experience as the way to the temple is an adventure in itself with thousand steps to reach. This has made hiking and trekking on the Aravali Hills a different experience and many tourists visit Chulgiri just for this. Trekking into the jungle surrounding Chulgiri is not safe, instead, you should opt the stairs or the ramp which lead to the temple. The stairs offer panoramic views along with a workout. While the ramp also is loved by many runners. The ramp starts from the valley and reaches the temple. The scouts and guide camps are also organised over there. One of the most popular routes of Jhalana Leopard Safari also ends near the base Chulgiri hills. The Chulgiri, encompassed by Aravali ranges have various picturesque views which let you get close with nature. The view when you climb up the temple would leave you awestruck. Though vehicles can reach the top after a 4km climb but a walk up the stairs is also pretty exciting. The climb up to the temple can be tiring but the spectacular beauty of this heavenly place surrounding forests from the top can be worth the effort. Especially during monsoon, when there is greenery all over, the place looks all the more beautiful and attractive and the breathtaking view definitely beguiles you. With many scenic views, it’s a perfect place for a picnic and this is the reason numerous individuals come here for an outing for the most part on weekends. चूलगिरी जैन मन्दिर (Famous Chulgiri Jain Temple in Jaipur) जयपुर-आगरा रोड़ (एनएच 11) पर घाट की गूणी के पास चूलगिरी की पहाड़ी पर स्थित दिगम्बर जैन मन्दिर धार्मिक आस्था के रुप में भी जाना जाता है। बारिश के दौरान यहां धोंक का जंगल हरा-भरा हो जाता है और वातावरण सुरम्य हो जाता है। मन्दिर से जंगल का नजारा देखने के लिए भी यहां लोग बड़ी संख्या में आते हैं। यहां घना जंगल होने से वाइल्ड लाइफ भी है। पैंथर के इस क्षेत्र में दिखाई देने की घटनाएं कई सामने आ चुकी हैं। मन्दिर तक पहुंचने के लिए लगभग 1000 सीढियां बनी हुई हैं। मन्दिर में दिगम्बर जैन धर्मावलम्बियों के सशुल्क रूकने व भोजनालय की व्यवस्था है। वर्ष 1953 में देशभूषण जी महाराज की प्रेरणा से मन्दिर का निर्माण कराया गया। वर्तमान में मन्दिर जी में चरण चौबीसी, चौबीसी तथा तीन बड़ी प्रतिमाएं हैं और एक विशालकाय 21 फुट की भगवान महावीर की प्रतिमा भी है। मन्दिर में बहुमूल्य रत्नों की प्रतिमा है। यह क्षेत्र अतिशय क्षेत्र है। हर साल मई में यहां बड़ा उत्सव मनाया जाता है। घाट की गूणी सुरंग के निर्माण के बाद यहां पहुुंचने की राह आसान हुई है। मन्दिर में दर्शन का समय: सुबह 6 बजे से रात्रि 8 बजे तक Music:
