CHUU IS MAKING WIVES OUT OF CHUNG HA, SUNMI, HANI from EXID, and YOOA from Oh My Girl on the Mnet show Running Girls (달리는 사이). This is another LOONA crack/compilation video but it features those four artists as well. This was a really wholesome show and I definitely recommend it to all ya'll who are on the fence thinking about whether or not you want to watch the series. Chuu is so cute. There really are adorable chuu moments that brought me back from the dead. This is also Loona (이달의소녀 츄) Chuu being a cute dork. She is such a baby HAHAHAHAHA. I love her so much.
Anyways, stream Voice, Star, Why Not, pporappippam, flourishing, bon voyage, and all of Loona's other songs. Chung Ha is coming out with a new album (querencia) which is pretty hype. ALSO WTF WAS THAT NEW MOON TEASER YA'LL. WE'RE GETTING ALL TWILIGHT UP IN HERE. ALSO CALL ME CRAZY BUT IM LIKE 95% SURE WE'RE GOING TO GET A HASEUL RETURN IN ORBIT 3.0 YA'LL. HYPEEEEEEEEEE
Chuu: Peach Text
Hani: Green Text
Sunmi: Purple Text
Yooa: Pink Text
Chung Ha: Green Text
I don't own anything. I'm just trying to have fun HAHAHAHA
Subtitle Creds to @Confusomoo on twitter
Video Source Creds to @liuspeed on twitter
Video Idea Creds to Gabba
Also follow my twitter @awwwCHUU HEHEHEHEHEHEHH
#chuu #달리는사이 #loonacrack