Welcome to Schony747 trains on a Wednesday featuring 707 operations The Grainlander growling up the grades between Dunolly and Ballarat East.
The Grainlander is a heritage overnight passenger train operated by 707 Operations. On this occasion Diesel Locomotives A66, S306 and H5 were in charge of the train and are videoed climbing Gooseberry Hill Dunolly, out of Maryborough and running up the grade at Ballarat East before climbing Warrenheip Bank. There's plenty of clag and sound as these locos struggle up the steep grades.
So sit back and enjoy the sights and sounds of this classic heritage consist! Have a great week - Brenden S.New Uploads Weekly - Trains, Planes, Trams
00:00 - Introduction
00:19 - Climbing Gooseberry Hill
02:16 - Departing Maryborough
04:09 - Arrival into Ballarat
08:05 - Departing climbing the grade at Ballarat East
Filmed 9th May 2021 Dunolly Gooseberry Hill, Maryborough, Ballarat Station, Ballarat East
Filmed in 4K Song AX53 handheld
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