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Show Notes:
A crazy Commander battle featuring members of The Command Zone editing team. Jimmy is joined by Ashlen Rose, Jake Boss and Josh "Murph" Murphy for an epic showdown using their own personal decks.
It's Atla Palani vs Arixmethes vs Dakkon Blackblade vs Pako & Haldan.
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Find Our Guests Online:
Jake Boss:
Twitter: @JakeBossMTG
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/mtgtonight
Josh "Murph" Murphy:
Twitter: @alsonamedjosh
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/wishgaming
Ashlen Rose:
Twitter: @AshlenRose
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ashlen_rose
Instagram: @RawrItsAshlen
Murph's Dakkon Blackblade:
Ashlen's Atla Palani:
Jake's Arixmethes:
Jimmy's Pako & Haldan:
Directed by: Josh Lee Kwai
Edited by: Terry Robertson
Additional Editing by: Josh Murphy
Special FX and GFX: Terry Robertson
Director of Photography: Jake Boss
Sound Mix: Jake Boss
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