And we have a winner for the longest video thus far...and please nobody hate me for it(?)
I promise I'm having fun and enjoying this musical, even though I get extremely heated over this particular song. It's because I'm passionate about the topic -- honestly, even though I got really frustrated and irritated, it showed me how much I'm invested. Because if I didn't care, I wouldn't bother to get worked up. I'd just stop. You wouldn't even get me like...conspiracy board-ing potential myth references during the song's last few lines.
And to reiterate what I say at the end of the video: just because I have my thoughts and opinions, doesn't mean that I expect anyone to agree with me, that I think the musical is bad, or that it's any kind of personal attack on you guys if you're a big fan of how Jorge presents the gods here. I anticipated there'd be things I wouldn't agree with in terms of adaptation, and I will at least always try to explain where I'm coming from when I have a disagreement.
In addition: just because I disagree with an adaptive choice, does not equate to me not liking the song or even the musical as a whole thus far. I think there's a misconception that we have to like every aspect of a piece of media/art in order to say we enjoy it -- but, personally, I have no problem saying I like something, but at the same time I don't like X, Y, Z about it. My saying things are a "mixed bag" isn't me saying I dislike the musical or that I'm not enjoying it.
So, if you are still willing to hang on and continue, we'll move on to The Ocean Saga where I'm assuming Odysseus is gonna get smacked in the face with a whole lot of consequences for his dumbass actions in this saga!
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