-1小碗米1 small bowl of rice
-1个鸡腿 1 Chicken Drumstick
-1条腊肠 1 Chinese Sausage
【腌制材料Marinate ingredients】
-1/2汤匙黑酱油 1/2 tbsp of dark soy sauce
-1汤匙的蚝油 1 tbsp of oyster sauce
-1汤匙的酱油 1 tbsp of soy sauce
-1汤匙的绍兴酒 1 tbsp of cooking wine
-1小块姜 1 Ginger
-1/8 茶匙胡椒粉 1/8 tbsp of pepper
-1/2 茶匙糖 ½ tbsp of sugar
-1茶匙玉米粉 1 tbsp of corn starch
-1/2汤匙的蚝油 1 tbsp of oyster sauce
-1/2 汤匙的葱头油 1/2 tbsp of onion oil
-1/2 汤匙的酱油 1/2 tbsp of soy sauce