This year I’ve made a pledge to make a dint in my yarn stash. I think like most people who crochet or knit buying yarn is so much fun, you see a lovely yarn and you might not think about the project it’s for and you buy it, only problem is you start becoming a hoarder of yarn. I also think it’s good practice to not just feed into consumerism and actually use what we have. So I thought I would go through all my yarn and create and inventory, with the thought of if I know what I have, I can plan my projects!!!
Links to thinks mentioned in the video :
Nancy warren Vampire knitting club
#crochet #crocheting #crochetstash #stashbusting #declutter #yarninventory #vintageyarn #grannysquare #crochetjournal #crochetsupplies #diy #declutter #decluttering #knitting #journaling #yarninventory #inventory #sorting #ukcrochet #ukcrochetvlog