Cleveland's abandoned railroad bascule bridges number 464 and 463 are considered icons by many people. Some people simply call them "bridges 1 and 2" or "jackknife bridges." They can be seen while driving along the shore-way, in advertisements, and, in the flats. They've always piqued my interest when I've been downtown, and I've always wanted to learn more about their history and why they were abandoned. Come join me as I cover these topics.
Image Sources:
Library of Congress -
Historical Collections of the Great Lakes, Bowling Green State University -
Cleveland Public Library Photograph Collection
Works Cited:
“Some New Scherzer Bascule Bridges.” Railroad Gazette, vol. 42, no. 11, 1907, p. 372. Google Books,
“Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge at Cleveland, Ohio.” Railroad Gazette, vol. 44, no. 11, 1908, pp. 380–82. Google Books,
"B&O Won't Wait For New Viaduct Railroad Refuses to Defer Building of Roller." Plain Dealer, 25 June 1908, p. 12. NewsBank: America's News – Historical and Current, 13845350F6F79C11%40B%2B%2BO%2BWon%2527t%2BWait%2BFor%2BNew%2BViaduct%2BRailroad%2BRefuses%2Bto%2BDefer%2BBuilding%2Bof%2BRoller. Accessed 5 Feb. 2022.
"Bridge Nearly Finished. Merwin-av Improvement Ready for traffic in Few Days." Plain Dealer, no. 63, 4 Mar. 1911, p. 4. NewsBank: America's News – Historical and Current, 138E73E6955F352A%40Bridge%2BNearly%2BFinished.%2BMerwin-av%2BImprovement%2BReady%2Bfor%2Btraffic%2Bin%2BFew%2BDays. Accessed 5 Feb. 2022.
"New B.&O. Bridge Finished. Huge 'Jack Knife' Structure Perfect on First Test." Plain Dealer, no. 71, 12 Mar. 1911, p. 6A. NewsBank: America's News – Historical and Current, 138E467793594AFB%40New%2BB.%2B%2BO.%2BBridge%2BFinished.%2BHuge%2B%2522Jack%2BKnife%2522%2BStructure%2BPerfect%2Bon%2BFirst%2BTest. Accessed 9 Feb. 2022.
"Wants Change In New Bridge Plans City Engineer Asks That B.&O. Alter Specifications." Plain Dealer, 12 Nov. 1908, p. 12. NewsBank: America's News – Historical and Current, 138C3A0D72E2B2AF%40Wants%2BChange%2BIn%2BNew%2BBridge%2BPlans%2BCity%2BEngineer%2BAsks%2BThat%2BB.%2B%2BO.%2BAlter%2BSpecifications. Accessed 5 Feb. 2022.
"Workmen Toy With Death High On Jacknife Bridge." Plain Dealer, no. 34, 3 Feb. 1911, p. 4. NewsBank: America's News – Historical and Current, 138E46E00333E943%40Workmen%2BToy%2BWith%2BDeath%2BHigh%2BOn%2BJacknife%2BBridge. Accessed 5 Feb. 2022.
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