Pepperwood's Indigenous Education Coordinator, Clint McKay, talks about the significance of Wappo and Pomo baskets for his community and culture in this 12 minute video.
0:00 - Intro
1:10 - Why baskets are important for this region (Sonoma/Napa Counties)
2:20 - What Pomo & Wappo baskets are made of
5:20 - Areas of life where baskets have important cultural role - how the baskets are used
6:02 - Baby baskets
6:46 - Gathering food and cooking baskets
7:45 - Woodpecker trap
8:07 - Special gift baskets and jewelry
9:16 - Designs and patterns
10:48 - Summary and emphasis on cultural importance
11:30 - These traditions are still carried on today, closing & thank you