2 Closing Cultures in Sales?
Too Aggressive: It's all about "close, close, close" — pushing buyers across the line and leaving them uncomfortable. The knock-on effect? Salespeople feel disconnected from their purpose, which is to help clients solve problems. Potential clients feel pressured and, usually, walk away.
Too Passive: Some salespeople engage well, ask great questions, and identify challenges but they stop short. They "float" solutions and leave it at, "You have a think and get back to me." We all know what happens next: life gets busy, and decisions are delayed indefinitely.
So, what’s the solution? The Middle Ground or, maybe, we should call it “The Goldilocks Close” — the "just right" temperature where you’re guiding clients forward without pressure but also not leaving them to drift into no-decision-land.
This balanced approach builds trust, makes selling more sustainable for the team, and ensures clients feel supported — not forced.
Sales isn’t about making people buy; it’s about helping them buy.
0:00 - 0:18 Introduction
0:18 - 0:50 Culture 1: Aggressive Sales Close
0:50 - 1:16 Culture 2: Passive Sales Close
1:16 - 1:33 Goldilocks method
1:33 - 2:18 Bring it all together
When you find that middle ground, everyone wins.