下雨天, 我們搭乘火車,遊覽「海線五寶」的大山車站、新埔車站,以及海邊小村新埔聚落。新埔聚落像迷宮般,小巷曲弄,古厝超多的,貓咪知道,但是貓咪不說。新埔的狗狗愛生氣,可能是很少見到遊客吧!
On a rainy day, we took the train to visit the Dashan Station and Xinpu Station of the "Five Treasures of the Coastal Line", as well as the Xinpu seaside village. The Xinpu village is like a maze, with winding alleys and many old houses. The cat knows, but the cat doesn't answer. Dogs in Xinpu get angry easily, probably because they rarely see tourists!
本次旅行的交通資訊,請參考以下Google Map連結:
(Please refer to the following Google Map link for the traffic informatin )
【一般路程時間參考】(Walking reference time)
新埔小村旅行, 建議停留時間約半天(含休息時間)
Traveling to Xinpu Village, it is recommended to stay for about half a day (including rest time)
【公廁資訊】(Lavatory Information)
There are public toilets at Dashan Station and Baishatun Station.
【交通資訊】(Traffic Information)
★Public transportation: It is recommended to take the TRA Coast Line of North-South Railway to Dashan Station or Xinpu Station.
★Drive by yourself: Enter "Dashan Station, Houlong Towshop, Miaoli County" or "Xinpu Station, Tongxiao Township, Miaoli County" in the satellite navigation of Google Maps to arrive at the destination. Parking is available on the roadside near the station.
【延伸閱讀】(Extended reading)
★Tony的自然人文旅記第1957篇 - 旅行影片:海線小縱走~山邊媽祖、白沙屯媽祖
★更多的旅記, 歡迎造訪我的網站:
【本次旅行GPX軌跡檔案下載】(GPX track file download for this trip)
【影片製作相關設備及軟體】(Video production related equipment and software)
Gopro Hero 10 運動型攝影機 (攝影)
270-pro Backpack 碳纖維自拍桿 (自拍棒)
Relive app 3D GPS足跡 (行程記錄)
威力導演 365 ( 剪接/字幕)
YouTube音效庫 (音樂)
PhotoImpact 13 (繪圖)
Google Map (交通地圖)
【Tony著作的旅遊書, 歡迎訂購!】(Tony's travel book, welcome to order)
《大台北宜蘭小村+步道 達人全程帶隊影音版 》
《大台北步道100影音增強版: PLUS達人全程帶隊 》
00:01 Pastorale - Joel Commins
01:37 Leaning on the Everlasting Arms - Zachariah Hickman
05:44 Hulu Ukulele
09:27 Beneath the Moonlight
11:43 Natural
12:45 Parisian Cafe - Aaron Kenny