#fibromyalgia #fibroflares #chronicpain #chronicfatigue #movements #vacation #flight #story #stress
Yep. Went on a "vacation" mode April 28th with the intention of doing some work preparation and scheduling only to find myself not able to participate in meetings, get prep work done, or even set into work mode losing at least a couple hundred or more. All about clearing a 10 x 11 foot storage.
I definitely got a fibro workout. I ended up loading (5) 40 gallon garbage bags with expired medical stuff and another bag of papers that were between 10 and 20 years old. Discarded a truckload of old clothing and kitchenware to thrift donation. Another full load part had to go to the dump, the rest to thrift. At the end was another load to thrift. The rest ended up being in 5 suitcases and 2 totes. The totes stayed there and the rest came with me.
I realized how lucky I am to be in Portland, Oregon because we recycle, upcycle, and compost before going to trash. Not sure who else does this but it's so much better for the environment. I found it a little stressful they don't in Arizona.
Then I saw my Bella virtually. She was definitely getting into her own groove. Taking food and pushing her sibblings out of the way. My mommy instincts kicked in. Instead of getting her on Sunday, I got her just after 3 pm on Friday.
I haven't had a true chance to get settled back into things. Have only just begun to unpack as I had to bring a bunch of suitcases back with the important stuff from storage. I still have to clear my area like I did the storage and intense cleaning.
On top of all this I am working to potty train my Bella. It has really caused some fibroflares but being consistent in movement and persistent to get things done daily has kept a positive momentum.