#baby Taavi#adventure #delta #airplane #airport #airports #kenya #mennonite #travel #travelvlog #traveling #nairobi #paris #france #cincinnati #ohio #ohiostate #cvg #cdg #kisumucity #kisumu #amish #adventure #taxi #taxidriver #food #culture #coffee #coffeetime #coffeelover #coffeelovers
#adventure #amish #god #jesus #mennonite #amishdevgan #history #religion #birdslover #water #sunglasses #picture #pictures #family#tuktuk #fish #ugali #kenya #kenyaafrica #food #babyclothes #sun #laundry #canesugar #juice #juicewrld #orange #orangejuice #passion #passionfruit #mango #beetroot #beets #eagles #eagle #birdslover #adventure #mission #walkingtour #walking #waterfall #water #churches #ugali #chicken #canesugar #cbf #donut #donuts #donutday #icingcooking #glaze #homeless #homelessness #yacht #Skuma Wiki #spinach #fish #boat #boating #boatlife #zipline #airplane #airport #kericho #tea #airbnb #grandson #grandsons #harvestingcorn #nongmo #case #combine #canning #salsa #apple #firewood #cleaning #thanksgiving #thanksgivingday #grandchildren#horse show#christmas#lights#Horseparade#buggies# ponies#horses#Carriages #haiti #haitian #catfish #quilting #quilts #strawberry #strawberries
Hello Folks
This is a really neat video. Of us going out to the celery fields park area, just east of PineCraft and a beautiful bird sanctuary and spending time with the bird lovers and also having Taavi meat, his cousins and uncle and aunt and friends in Florida and having coffee together and family and friends. There’s just nothing really like that and that is what Florida is about in or a winter vacation down there.
Thank you for following us and enjoying this episode of our new video that came out this week. 
Love and blessings to all!
Thank you for being loyal to us and viewing our videos it makes us excited to continue on with this project.
Thank you for watching and blessings to you and your family as we are going into the new year 2025.
God bless each dear soul the comes in contact with this video,and may you be encouraged to serve the Lord with all your heart and soul and mind.
Thank you very much for watching and hope you enjoy this. We have another one coming out here soon . Keep watching and waiting .
Hope all of you that read this, are praising our Lord Jesus ,for another good year.
May Gods Blessings be yours ,for the New Year, 2025 !!
Thank you for watching and subscribing and liking our videos. Please leave a comment. We are sure to get back with you.
We hope and pray that God will give us years together, to travel and tour,as we share this love of traveling God‘s great earth. We love to bring you along as we travel .
Thanks, Gerold and Becky and Family
Please follow on Instagram and Facebook
Face Book : Gerold and Becky Miller .. ( https://www.facebook.com/geroldandbeckymiller?mibextid=PtKPJ9 )
Instagram : Gerold Miller. ( https://www.instagram.com/geroldlmiller/. )
Cash App $GeroldMiller
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