BUY Nice VEINERS: Wallis' Veiners How to make Winter Rose aka HELLEBORE flower out of Cold Porcelain or Sugar. TOOLS & EQUIPMENT LIST , see below. Making smooth stem Umbrella Hook to hold flowers Take a look at the link below for more useful GUMPASTE and CLAY flower tutorials Want to work with COLD PORCELAIN but dont know where to start? This would be a good place How to make COLD PORCELAIN: RECIPE Цветы из Сахарной Мастики и Полимерной Глины ( Холодного Фарфора ) INSTAGRAM FACEBOOK PINTEREST TOOL BOX Making Flowers out of CLAY or sugar Cold Porcelain ( shop bought or DIY , recipe tutorial is available , click on my videos ) PVA or other craft glue, corn flour for dusting , rolling pin and cell pin size L, / pasta machine Nivea cream or similar, water for smoothing ( Cold Porcelain only ) Oil Paints ( Windsor & Newton is a good brand but other should work too ), paint solvant, flat brush/ brushes. THE COLOURS USED are specified in the video Flower wire/s , tapes Dresden tool, and similar, ball tools, metal stick tool, large size used Drying foam, shapers or custom made drying shapes, sponge Cutters and veiners suitabe for the project Palette knife, scissors, Wet wipes, ruller, scalpel For Gumpaste you will need to have SUGAR GLUE glue and edible pastes or dusts at hand as well as kettle for steaming FOR THIS PROJECT Wire Gauge 18/ 24. HELLEBORE template template ( trace from the screen and cut out of card ). GOOD QUALITY ROSE VEINER, Metal stick , size L used here. stamens or cured thread,