hey guys! thanks for tuning into this video where i react to decisions from the 18 colleges i applied to.
For those of you who are serious about getting into top universities, Park Tutoring is partnering with me to make exclusive offers for my audience. You can claim 2 FREE Tutoring Lessons, 1 FREE Analysis on your SAT & ACT, and 1 FREE College Counseling if you fill out the form in the link below! You can also text them at 949-214-4978 or email them at [email protected] if you have any questions. Good luck!
watch my stats + ECs video here: https://youtu.be/4OzOLLaSyMI
with this video, i really just wanted to show you guys how uncertain and random the college admissions process can be! i honestly expected to get into almost all my schools because i'd seen videos and had friends that did, but the college admissions process is almost never linear! and honestly, expecting to get into a specific school is really unrealistic, and getting into one good school is already a huge achievement :D
anyway, stay tuned for upcoming videos on my stats and ecs, personal statement, and ap exam study strategies (and college content once i get there). please subscribe since i also regularly post vlogs about productivity, self care, and traveling! thanks 💖
anyway, my apologies for all the screaming, blurry clips, and cringy things said 😭😭😭
0:00 Intro
0:23 University of Georgia EA
1:23 Georgia Tech EA
2:05 MIT EA
3:22 UChicago EA
3:52 Northeastern EA
4:26 An Unexpected Update
5:16 UGA Foundation Fellowship
5:28 Caltech
6:15 Northeastern RD
6:23 MIT RD
7:52 UChicago RD
8:32 Boston University
9:01 Northwestern
9:42 Vanderbilt
10:20 Cornell
10:57 Brown
11:57 Duke
12:23 Yale
13:23 UPenn
13:53 Columbia
14:21 Princeton
14:48 Harvard
15:38 Stanford
15:48 Outro
Music from https://freetouse.com/music
‘This is For You' by 'Lukrembo'
'Bake a Pie' by 'Lukrembo'
'Lamp' by 'Lukrembo'