How do we count set partitions? This video explains set partitions and the combinatorics behind them. You'll learn how to count the number of ways to partition a set of n elements according to a specific integer partition.
This video is also a continuation of my previous video, Faa di Bruno's formula. For useful background information, I suggest you check out my previous video:
Partitions of sets are a concept in discrete mathematics and relevant to many counting problems. It surprisingly appears in many areas of math, even continuous math, such as in repeated differentiation. A partition of a set of n elements into k nonempty subsets, means to group the n items of a set into some number, k groups such that no group is empty. For example, if we have 2 items, we can put them together in one group, or each item in a separate group of its own.
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00:00 Stirling Number Review
03:00 Integer Partitions of Sets
04:30 Formula
05:27 Example 1
05:54 Example 2
07:00 Example 3
08:50 Formula Derivation
09:40 Intuition