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Who wrote the Book of Mormon? How did Joseph Smith discover the golden plates? How was the Book of Mormon written or translated? What is it about? Join Casey Griffiths as he explores the historical sites connected to the discovery, translation, and printing of the Book of Mormon, and find answers to these questions!
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For more information on additional topics relating to Mormonism including Joseph Smith Wives and Joseph Smith Polygamy, visit
0:00 Introduction
1:16 Joseph Smith Family Farm
2:32 An Angel Visits Joseph
5:42 Joseph Finds the Plates at Hill Cumorah
7:34 First Phase of Translation
10:00 Second Phase of Translation
13:26 Restoration of the Priesthood
16:44 Witnesses See the Plates
19:14 The Printing of the Book of Mormon
20:11 First Editions of the Book of Mormon
Quote Sources
Emma Smith testimony of the plates: “Last Testimony of Sister Emma,” 290.
Oliver Cowdery translating the plates: Oliver Cowdery, “Letter I,” in Latter-day Saints Messenger and Advocate 1, no. 1 (October 1834): 14.
Oliver Cowdery quote about the translation
Oliver Cowdery, “Letter I,” in Latter-day Saints Messenger and Advocate 1, no. 1 (October 1834): 14.
David Whitmer witness of the plates
Interview with Joseph Smith III et al. (Richmond, Missouri, July 1884), originally published in The Saints' Herald (28 January 1936) and reprinted in Cook, ed., David Whitmer Interviews, 134—35, emphasis in the original.
Martin Harris witness of the plates
Statement of William M. Glenn to O. E. Fischbacher, May 30, 1943, Cardston, Alberta, Canada, cited in Deseret News, Oct. 2, 1943. Cited in Richard Lloyd Anderson, Investigating the Book of Mormon Witnesses (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Company, 1981), 116. ISBN 0877478465.
Oliver Cowdery witness of the plates
Oliver Cowdery and Martin Harris, in letter dated 29 November 1829, quoted in Corenlius C. Blatchly, "THE NEW BIBLE, written on plates of Gold or Brass," Gospel Luminary 2/49 (10 Dec. 1829): 194.
Was the Book of Mormon made of tumbaga?
Stylometric Evidences
Mary Whitmer’s witness of the plates
The three Witnesses