Hey guys, it’s time for another comic book roundup video where I show all my random yard sale, flea market, antique shop, and comic book store finds of the last month! Check out the video to see what comics I was able to find in all of these strange and unusual places!
Find me on Instagram at: LunchMoneyComicsIG
His & Hers Comics, Greenfield MA: https://www.facebook.com/hisandherscomics?mibextid=LQQJ4d
Contact Comic Spa for the absolute BEST in comic cleaning and pressing! [email protected]
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00:00 - Intro
00:58 - Yard Sale Finds
02:21 - Bone and Skottie Young
04:40 - Indoor Tag Sale
06:40 - Voltron
07:35 - The Phantom
08:39 - Indoor Flea Markets
09:50 - Original Comic Art
11:15 - Ghost Rider 2
12:58 - Green Lantern Blackest Night
14:57 - Avengers 292
16:29 - Avengers 257, 1st Nebula
17:52 - Marvel Team-up 141, 2nd Black Suit
19:44 - X-Men 102
20:24 - Fantastic Four 67, 1st Him, Adam Warlock
22:43 - Outro
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