A brief how-to for common snowpack tests to locate and assess instabilities within the snowpack, presented by Mike Conlan. #ect #extendedcolumntest #rb #rutschblock #pst #propagationsawtest #compressiontest #ct #handsheartest #deeptaptest #dt #crackpropagation #avalancheforecasting
Start times of tests in this video are as follows:
1:32 Compression Test
5:06 Deep Tap Test
7:28 Extended Column Test
10:54 Rutschblock Test
14:48 Propagation Saw Test
18:48 Shovel Shear Test
20:49 Hand Shear Test
22:11 Concluding remarks on initiation, propagation, and limitations.
The specifications in this video are based on OGRS (Canadian Avalanche Association 2016). See https://vimeo.com/479569510 for the U.S. interpretation of the ECT, which was adopted in Canada in 2024.
Fracture character video: http://vimeo.com/30996756