Hello, once again this is gogotea — Aoki Gou.
As for my name, I have explained it on my tweet during the 1st of April and in my Youtube Community, so I would like you to confirm it from there.
Thank you for your continued support.
■singer/Otomachi Una
■song and lyrics/Aoki Gou
■illust/I borrowed the illustration from Shiina Ene.
幼い頃の僕ら 怖いもの知らずだった
When we were little, we didn't have anything to be scared of.
大人になった今じゃ 怖いものばっか増えた
But now that we're adults, such things had steadily piled up.
人の視線なんかは その最たる例だ
Receiving a glance from someone else is one prime example.
比べたがりの僕ら それで誰が得するんだ
We kept comparing ourselves to each other; but really, who will benefit from that?
Other people's “this and that” doesn't concern me.
I can't comprehend a thing with this aching head of mine.
I just want to live the way I want for myself,
but the lawn next door is too blue that I hate it.
この病状は一生重症だ きっと
This condition will surely stay severe for the rest of my life.
We are the only ones who can decide to completely
become "ourselves" and kick the bucket as is.
You won't fool me by saying
“Everyone is different and that's fine.”
Give me a clearer outcome so that I can really accept myself.
十八頃の僕ら それなりに夢があった
We carried dreams that fitted our 18 year old selves
大人になった今じゃ その夢もただの枷だ
Now that we're adults, those dreams are nothing more than a shackle
毛ほどの自尊心は 可燃物として捨てた
Whatever self-worth we have left became combustible and got discarded away
黒い煙が染みた その目には悔し涙
Black smoke penetrated the eyes riddled with frustrated tears
It was an endless question and answer
That won't let you sleep until 4 o'clock in the morning
“What in the world is [individuality] in the first place?”
'There's no such thing as that from the start, idiot.'
この劣等感は一生もんだ きっと
This inferiority complex will last for a lifetime for sure.
In contrast, I want to despise and finally kill this “ego” I've been holding onto.
Someone said,
「自信は持たなきゃ」 「考えすぎだ」
“You need to have more confidence.” “You're thinking too much.”
あぁ、もう 黙ってて
Ah, really, just shut up already.
These encouragements sounding a lot like religion is far too miserable to die.
才能 努力 年齢 収入 再生数
Talent, effort, age, income, total number of views—
結婚 子宝 容姿の美醜 フォロワー数
Marriage, blessed with children, the number of followers' personal appearance
流行 ブランド 聴く音楽 経験人数
Fad, brand, listening to music, a person with a lot of experience*—
And finally, the death of comparison syndrome.
Even though I want to live the way I like,
The lawn next door is too blue that I hate it
この病状は一生重症だ きっと
This condition will surely stay severe for the rest of my life.
Nonetheless, if I ever become true to myself,
I won't go thinking that I want to die, right?
“I want to live like a hopeless human being,”
If I think that way, will I be able to love myself even just a little bit?
“Now then—”
There's no answer to be found in this kind of song
だって"自分"を決定付ける それは君の役目だから
because it's your own duty to determine “who you are”
Translation & Sub by: Luna Lucille & alice/アリス
[ If you have any corrections, please contact us as it would mess with the subtitle format should you correct something. ]
*a person with a lot of experience:
- could be taken literally OR could also mean a person with a lot of sexual relations.
#VOCALOID #OtomachiUna #gogotea