#GoaPolice #goatourism #GoaNews #ViralVideoGoa #DeepakgadekarGoa
#DGPGoa #GoaPolice #CMOGoa #AlokKumarGoaDGP #AlokKumar #DGPAlokKumar #pmoindia #Viralbaba122 #goagovtScam #DevKhapreshwarPorvorim
police officers given bad words on duty
Tensions rise in Porvorim over shifting of Dev Khapreshwar idol Devotees protest as authorities prepare to shift sacred idol
#goa #goanews #tensions #banyantree #protest
Live Various comments at Porvorim Vodakodde Site that is in Tense Situation as Authorities Commence Relocation of 200-Year-Old Banyan Tree
law and order situation in Porvorim due to temple relocation
shocking Details About Porvorim Police officials
#SdpoPorvorim #SdpoKarpe #DySPKarpe
#PsiPorvorimPoliceStation #ProvorimPolice
#DYSPVishweshkarpe #Vishweshkarpe
Vishwesh karpe Goa police officers giving bad words while on duty
#banyantree #porvorim #porvorimgoa #goa