Genesis: The Origin of Everything
Have you ever wondered how everything began? How the world, humanity, and the promise of redemption came to be? Join us as we dive into the book of Genesis, the foundation of the Bible, and discover the answers to these questions!
💡 In this episode, we cover:
1️⃣ Creation (Genesis 1-2): God creates the heavens and the earth, forms man and woman in His image, and establishes marriage and the Sabbath rest.
2️⃣ The Fall (Genesis 3): Adam and Eve’s disobedience, the entrance of sin into the world, and its consequences for humanity.
3️⃣ Cain and Abel (Genesis 4): The first murder, jealousy, and divine justice.
4️⃣ From Adam to Noah (Genesis 5): The genealogy of Adam’s descendants, highlighting the pre-flood longevity.
5️⃣ The Flood (Genesis 6-9): Humanity’s corruption, Noah’s ark, God’s judgment, and His covenant with Noah.
6️⃣ The Tower of Babel (Genesis 10-11): The dispersion of nations and the confusion of languages.
7️⃣ Abraham (Genesis 12-25): Abraham’s calling, the promise of land and descendants, the covenant, Isaac’s birth, and Abraham’s test of faith.
8️⃣ Isaac (Genesis 25-26): The birth of Esau and Jacob, Isaac’s blessing, and the continuation of God’s promise.
9️⃣ Jacob (Genesis 27-36): Jacob’s struggle with God, his reconciliation with Esau, his service to Laban, and the birth of the twelve tribes of Israel.
🔟 Joseph (Genesis 37-50): His brothers’ envy, his sale into slavery, his rise to power in Egypt, the famine, and the reunion of his family.
You’ll see how God’s sovereignty is revealed from creation to the preservation of His promise through an imperfect family. This message is essential for anyone wanting to understand the origins of the world, humanity, and faith.
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▶️ Video Content
00:00 - Chapter 1: The Creation of the World
04:14 - Chapter 2: The Garden of Eden and the Creation of Man
07:20 - Chapter 3: The Temptation and the Fall
10:45 - Chapter 4: Cain, Abel, and the First Murder
13:51 - Chapter 5: Genealogy from Adam to Noah
16:27 - Chapter 6: The Wickedness of Humanity and Noah’s Ark
19:13 - Chapter 7: The Great Flood
22:08 - Chapter 8: The End of the Flood and God’s Covenant with Noah
25:01 - Chapter 9: God’s Covenant with Noah and the Curse of Canaan
28:17 - Chapter 10: The Table of Nations
00:48 - Chapter 11: The Tower of Babel and Shem’s Genealogy
34:06 - Chapter 12: The Call of Abram and His Journey to Egypt
36:41 - Chapter 13: Abram and Lot Separate
38:57 - Chapter 14: The War of the Kings and Lot’s Rescue
42:08 - Chapter 15: God’s Covenant with Abram
44:28 - Chapter 16: Hagar and the Birth of Ishmael
46:36 - Chapter 17: Name Changes and the Covenant of Circumcision
50:10 - Chapter 18: The Promise of a Son and Intercession for Sodom
52:46 - Chapter 19: The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah
59:41 - Chapter 20: Abraham and Abimelech in Gerar
01:02:16 - Chapter 21: The Birth of Isaac and Hagar’s Expulsion
01:06:11 - Chapter 22: The Sacrifice of Isaac
01:09:16 - Chapter 23: The Death and Burial of Sarah
01:14:23 - Chapter 24: Isaac and Rebekah
01:20:43 - Chapter 25: The Death of Abraham and the Descendants of Esau
01:24:12 - Chapter 26: Isaac in Gerar and the Renewal of the Covenant
01:28:41 - Chapter 27: Jacob Obtains Isaac’s Blessing
01:34:48 - Chapter 28: Jacob’s Dream at Bethel
01:37:52 - Chapter 29: Jacob in Haran and His Marriage to Leah and Rachel
01:42:04 - Chapter 30: Jacob’s Children and His Agreement with Laban
01:47:17 - Chapter 31: Jacob Flees from Laban
01:54:19 - Chapter 32: Jacob Wrestles with God and Prepares to Meet Esau
01:58:30 - Chapter 33: The Reunion of Jacob and Esau
02:01:06 - Chapter 34: The Incident in Shechem
02:05:09 - Chapter 35: Jacob Returns to Bethel and Rachel’s Death
02:08:32 - Chapter 36: The Descendants of Esau
02:12:48 - Chapter 37: Joseph and His Dreams; Joseph is Sold
02:17:32 - Chapter 38: Judah and Tamar
02:21:35 - Chapter 39: Joseph and Potiphar’s Wife
02:24:45 - Chapter 40: The Dreams of the Cupbearer and the Baker
02:27:35 - Chapter 41: Pharaoh’s Dreams and Joseph’s Rise to Power
02:34:32 - Chapter 42: Joseph’s Brothers Go to Egypt
02:39:37 - Chapter 43: Joseph’s Brothers Return to Egypt with Benjamin
02:44:25 - Chapter 44: Joseph’s Test for His Brothers
02:48:41 - Chapter 45: Joseph Reveals Himself to His Brothers
02:52:26 - Chapter 46: Jacob and His Family Move to Egypt
02:56:19 - Chapter 47: Jacob and His Family Settle in Egypt
02:59:19 - Chapter 48: Jacob Blesses Joseph’s Sons
Chapter 49: Jacob’s Blessings on His Sons
Chapter 50: The Death of Jacob and the Death of Joseph