DISCLAIMER: For full disclosure, I have paid for all my Total War: Warhammer 3 Content personally except for Forge of the Chaos Dwarfs and Shadows of Change due to formally being part of CA's Creator Program.
Recommended websites for purchase have been used multiple times by myself and others I know thus I consider them trustworthy but please ensure your region is correct before purchasing any keys. Steam specials happen regularaly so a popular choice is to simply wait for the next Black Friday, etc. I respect anyone's decision to buy/not buy aynthing and this guide is merely intended to present the content factually in the context of time/value against community reception with some of personal experience clearly stated. It's tough out there and gaming can be a great escape, but funds are tight at the moment so I hope this helps you choose the most appropriate TWWH content or whether to invest in other entertainment.
Thanks for a great 2023 and here's to a great 2024.
Appreciate the support and wish you all well.
Cheers champions,
UTIMATE Battlefield Guide
Every Battlefield Mechanic
Complete Race Guide For High Elves
Advanced Diplomacy and Confederation Strats:
Never Lose a Battle with my Unbeatable Campaign Formation:
Complete Basics Guide for Universal Campaign Mastery:
Discord: https://discord.gg/p6BrxVVPfM
"Please note this is an unofficial video and is not endorsed by SEGA or the Creative Assembly in any way. For more information on Total War, please visit www.totalwar.com."
#Total War Guide #dwarfs #dwarven #Grombrindal #whitedwarf #thorgrim #Strategy Guide #High Elves #Darkelves #Imrik #Tyrion #Teclis #rakarth #dragon #morathi #Caledor #Total Warhammer #Total War Warhammer #TotalWar #Naggarond #tierlist #bestunits #2022 #Campaign #Guide #Immortal Empires #Mortal Empires