Minecraft's Redstone system is a very powerful tool that mimics the function of real electronic components. This makes it possible to create actual computers in Minecraft using only Redstone. In this video, I briefly explain the electrical engineering and computer science principles behind such inventions.
1. Mattbatwings's Redstone Computer https://youtu.be/CW9N6kGbu2I?si=wvVt39RmVZjF94ar
2. SebastianLague's video explaining how computers work https://youtu.be/QZwneRb-zqA?si=mqN0nzyommiF5CNn
Books that helped me learn computer science (Affiliate links):
1. HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites https://amzn.to/3XZQwJp
2. Python Crash Course: Project-Based Introduction to Programming https://amzn.to/4dm1r4p
3. Everything You Need to Ace Computer Science and Coding in One Big Fat Notebook https://amzn.to/4ekFHHG
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