Guys I'm so sorry it took so long for me to get the next video out, its been a crazy past couple weeks back home but this was an important one to me so I took my time with it. Matt's Off-Road Recovery has been a huge inspiration for my channel and has taught me so much about off roading so I was super excited to get to Hurricane, Utah where Matt is based out of. Ive seen so many awesome trails in his videos but Sand Hollow State Park and the surrounding Sand Mountain area always looked so awesome, and I knew it would be an awesome place to build my off-roading confidence. As you may know, I am still technically a total off-roading newbie. This is probably the 5th time Im going down a trail that wasn't a forest service road or basic dirt road, so kind of a big deal. In the previous episode we attempted to get to the Sand Hollow Flintstone House by way of Water Tank Road, past the Top of the World and failed miserably. In this video we come back for a 2nd and 3rd try, first by the Warner Valley Dinosaur Tracks route, and then ultimately took a combination of the East Rim Trail and Razzle Dazzle Trail to get to the Flintstone House Spur. This was an epic adventure, so much rock crawling and sand wheeling through dunes. I thought I was going to flip the Jeep multiple times, but eventually we made it and it did not disappoint!!! Please let me know what you think, and please consider subscribing to support my channel so I can continue to go on adventures like this and find epic places to share with you guys!!!