The results of over 60 years of research and development are reflected in Hennecke’s QUADROFOAMAT (QFM) slabstock lines. Thanks to the fact that all components across all viscosity ranges are precisely metered, output settings are exactly reproducible, the adjustment range is large and because the plant has been combined with the extremely successful UBT technology including fall-plates, QFM lines open up many horizons for the efficient production of pinhole-free ether and esther foams that are up to 2,500 mm wide and, depending on the foam type and density, up to 1,500 mm high. A computer-controlled flow metering system provides additional production reliability, in particular when formulations or colours need to be changed on the fly without stopping the plant. Depending on foam type, formulation and plant configuration, cell sizes of 8-100 ppi are possible.
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