Everything you need to convert your shop vac into a professional extractor. I have had my Ridgid portable Vac for a long time and have been asked this question a million times. Can you use a shop vac to extract carpet during auto detailing. The answer is yes kind of. In order to extract a carpet or interior fabrics effectively you need a water source to lightly spray the fabric while you vacuum it out. This water is sprayed in a precise area and amount based on the conditions. You need to be able to see what is being removed from the fabric through the clear viewing area on the extractor handle. This view tells you if the fabric still has either dirt or soap still in it and you can decide how much longer to continue in that spot. The attachment and the water spraying ability will make or break the process. I decided after watching a few videos and doing some research that it would be a great plan to convert my shop vac to have this ability. With the proper fittings and products your shop vac can be easily converted to a very usable auto detailing extractor or carpet spot cleaner. I have listed below all the parts and accessories that you will need to complete this project. This is a great auto detailing extractor kit that I like a lot. If you have any questions please feel free to ask in the comments. Thanks for watching and I hope you consider subscribing to my channel.
Check out my website for explanations & links to all the products. I made it easy to build this kit yourself with a full parts layout picture with links. https://www.hawaiidetailing.com/extractor
Here are the links to all the pieces on amazon: https://amzn.to/3A4Rebw
Here are individual links:
Ridgid Portable Vac https://amzn.to/3LJJ4K6
Detailing Hose Kit (labeled as a 1.25" inside Diameter hose but is a 1.5" Outside Diameter) https://amzn.to/34LshpE or
Ridgid Portable Vac and Detailing Hose Combo https://amzn.to/3rYKTen
Ridgid Wet Filter https://amzn.to/3BtFOhk
1.5” Threaded x 1.5” slip on hose cuff (for a 1.5” Vac Hose) https://amzn.to/359j6z6
2” Threaded x 1.5” slip on hose cuff (for a 2” Vac Hose) https://amzn.to/3gXHwhC
Mytee Upholstery Tool (Commercial grade - 1.5" push fitting)
Teflon Tape (3-5 wraps on threads) https://amzn.to/3I2RIkC
1/4 Quick Disconnect (connects 1/4' NPT water hose to extractor tool)
Air hose used to deliver water to the extractor.
Air Hose (with 1/4 NPT fittings) https://amzn.to/3GJQEnl
Air Hose Rubber Sleeves https://bit.ly/3MnKg68
3/4 Garden Hose fitting with 1/4 Female NPT (connects garden hose bib to 1/4" NPT hose)
Carpet Cleaning Chemical https://amzn.to/3gY10Th
Measuring Cup https://amzn.to/3H1k3GS
Chemical Sprayer https://amzn.to/3I2XvqB
Battery Drill https://amzn.to/3BvL6ci
Drill Brush (White Soft) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DQTG4WD?ref=t_ac_view_request_product_image&campaignId=amzn1.campaign.15F6P3TI0JX3P&linkCode=tr1&tag=hawaiitesla08-20&linkId=amzn1.campaign.15F6P3TI0JX3P_1718917645296
All Purpose Micro Fiber Towels (High Quality) https://amzn.to/36pr1ZI
Entry Level:
Bissell Spot Clean Pro https://amzn.to/3I1Cdti
My Bissell video https://youtu.be/bZcSMvePBJg
Semi Pro:
Mytee Spot Cleaner https://amzn.to/3BAejm9
Mytee 4 gallon 130" water lift heated https://amzn.to/3rXAIqy
Mytee 10 gallon 130" water lift heated https://amzn.to/3JHhawr
GARAGE WALL SHELF https://a.co/7jFjrWQ
MY FAVORITE AMAZON PRODUCTS https://www.amazon.com/shop/hawaiitesladetailing
Disclaimer** I did not invent this method. I took previous known methods and made improvements where I could to simplify and make it easy for everyone to make their own kit.
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GARAGE https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_utjqZAQxZYcWMQYP2sdkk6n6Bu9c8Lm
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EXTRACTOR https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_utjqZAQxZZvPLtc3r75p2SW-gy5dGOA
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