Alison here, thanx for joining me.
This video is the first quick step by step tutorial on how to make Copper bracelets I'll be making. In this one I'll be making a 6 wire braided copper cuff bracelet with the minimum of tools.
I will be using 14 gauge bare, half hard copper wire which I annealed before this tutorial. This braided pattern will look great in a 12 or 16-gauge wire too, anything thinner will not really be suitable.
One could take this pattern and bracelet to other levels too, it could be hammered flat, heat patinated, copper plate could be used on ends of cuffs etc.
So…at the end of this video my wish is that you feel inspired to make a bracelet, either for yourself or for someone else, they make perfect gifts…or who knows, there is also a great market out there for them.
You will also see, with a little resourcefulness, just how easy it is to make something nice without spending spans of money…and to top that it’s a whole lot of fun.
Please be sure to visit @ CopperCrazy Fb page - / coppercrazy