Welcome to Crimson Guitars https://www.youtube.com/user/CrimsonCustomGuitars?sub_confirmation=1 and welcome to this episode of Ben's Experimental Luthiery.
In this episode, Ben is experimenting with copper oxidisation, using ammonia and household condiments. Have fun!
What do you think of Ben's experiments? Have you worked with copper oxidising before? Comment below with suggestions for future experiments.
Brass powder
Copper powder
Wire wool
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Triton Tools - http://www.tritontools.com/en-GB
Wagner Meters - https://www.wagnermeters.com/
Starbond Adhesives - https://www.starbond.com/?rfsn=4953733.fb5f31
ISOtunes Bluetooth Hearing Protection - http://bit.ly/36YmKro
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Thank you again for all your support, we really, really appreciate it! – Ben
Stay tuned and stay awesome!