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粟米魚肚羹 Corn and Fish Maw Soup **字幕CC Eng. Sub**

好易煮 oe cook 40,118 2 years ago
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🟢材料: 粟米蓉 1 罐 (425 克) 砂爆魚肚 1 件 雞蛋 1 隻 雞湯 250 毫升 薑 1 塊 蔥 適量 紹興酒 1 湯匙 鹽、胡椒粉 適量 澱粉水 1 碗 🟢做法: 1️⃣ 魚肚汆水,放 1 塊薑、蔥、1 湯匙紹興酒,水滾後關火扣蓋焗 3 分鐘。魚肚洗淨擠乾水,切小丁。 2️⃣ 預先打勻 1 隻雞蛋,和預備 1 碗澱粉水。 3️⃣ 把一罐粟米蓉倒入鍋中,加入一罐的水,加入魚肚和 1 塊薑,雞湯加進去,煮滾後把薑撈出。 4️⃣ 調一下味,放一點胡椒粉和適量鹽。 5️⃣澱粉水分多次少量放入,調到合適的濃稠度。徐徐加入雞蛋(有人喜歡關火後才),等幾秒才攪拌。 oe烹飪小貼士: 📌把湯羹的蛋花煮成較大片狀的秘訣,是徐徐加入蛋漿,先不要攪動,等它幾秒才攪拌,蛋花自然一大片。 🟢Ingredients: Cream Style Corn - 1 can (425g) Sand-Blasted Fish Maw - 1 piece Egg - 1 Chicken Broth - 250ml Ginger - 1 piece Spring Onion - as needed Shaoxing Wine - 1 tablespoon Salt, White Pepper Powder - as needed Starch Slurry - 1 bowl 🟢Cooking Directions: 1️⃣ Blanch the fish maw in boiling water with ginger, spring onions, and 1 tablespoon of Shaoxing wine. After boiling, turn off the heat, cover and let it sit for 3 minutes. Rinse the fish maw, squeeze out the water, and cut it into small cubes. 2️⃣ Beat 1 egg in advance and prepare 1 bowl of starch slurry. 3️⃣ Pour 1 can of cream style corn into the pot, add 1 can of water, add the fish maw and 1 piece of ginger, and pour in the chicken broth. Bring to a boil and remove the ginger. 4️⃣ Adjust the taste with a little pepper and salt. 5️⃣ Gradually add the starch slurry in small amounts until it reaches the desired thickness. Slowly add the beaten egg and wait a few seconds before stirring (some people prefer to turn off the heat first). oe Cooking Tips: 📌The secret to making the egg flowers in the soup large is to slowly add the beaten egg and let it sit for a few seconds before stirring, the egg will naturally form into large pieces. Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: 作品分享: ✳ 👈請訂閱本台第二頻道 《好易生活頻道 oe living》 ✳ 🍋請開啓字幕:屏幕右下角⏩設定⏩CC字幕 Turn on captions in the bottom right corner of the screen: ⏩Settings⏩CC Captions🥒
