When Bird talks, you listen. We recently went down to San Diego to pay Eric 'Bird' Huffman a visit and hear from him on the history behind a few of the San Diego surfboards that remain staples of surfboard design as a whole and make up many of the surfboards ridden each year at Cosmic Creek.
Bird is a pillar of surf culture in California and San Diego specifically, kindly sharing his knowledge, surf history, and even his own surfboards with the community in hopes of enriching the surfing experience for everyone and giving credit where credit is due to the board builders of past generations. In this episode, Bird sits down at the Shed to talk through two different boards from Bill Caster. It's always great to catch up with Bird and we're stoked to have him surfing in the event this year!
Join us for Cosmic Creek June 3rd & 4th at Salt Creek Beach in Dana Point, CA. More info: https://www.vissla.com/blogs/news/visslas-25th-annual-cosmic-creek