人山人海的會場!現場真的超多妹子!Cosplay Lumine to COMIC FIESTA 2022【伐木累日記#3】(ENG CC)
Jia Jia
44,023 lượt xem 2 years ago 這次進場沒有拍很多影片 會場太多人了QQ
以後會早一點去會場 拍更多妹子給大家😍 (X
還想看更多cosplay影片的話 可以在下面留言讓我知道唷❤️
There's a lot of people inside the hall QQ
I promise I'll reach earlier next time and take more videos of pretty cosers 😍 (X
Hope you guys enjoy the video
Let me know if you want to have more cosplay video next time❤️
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