If you're considering living in Bonifacio Global City (BGC), Manila, this video provides a boots-on-the-ground breakdown of my real-world expenses based on my 7 months of actual spending, from rent and utilities to internet, groceries, dining out, and transportation. I cover the major cost you need to factor in, and show you what it really cost to live here in The Philippines. I'll walk you through what it truly takes to live in this modern, high-end district of the Philippines. No guesswork—just real numbers from firsthand experience. Stay tuned until the end for a full summary of my monthly expenses and insights on budgeting for life in BGC.
#CostOfLiving #BGC #Manila #PhilippinesVlog #ExpatLife #BudgetTravel #LivingAbroad #DigitalNomad #ManilaLifestyle #BGCPhilippines
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