Hey guys! If you have reached this video then you might be either looking for your dream job in Cayman Islands, or maybe you are just curious about how expensive is Cayman really. In this video, I talk about how much you can expect to spend on average on rent, transportation, groceries, entertainment in a month in this beautiful beachy Caribbean Island. Cause everything comes with a Price Tag! 🏷️ 😉
00:15 Intro
00:59 Accommodation
02:06 Utilities - Electricity
02:29 Utilities - Water
02:55 Utilities - Wi-Fi
03:26 Transportation
04:25 Phone Bills
05:33 Food
06:15 Groceries
07:30 Miscellaneous
08:13 Expenses Table - https://caymanresident.com/move/cost-of-living-in-cayman
08:50 Outro
#CostofLivingCayman #CaymanExpenses #CaymanIslands
Cayman - Most expensive places to live! 💸
Used Cars Links:
CAR CITY https://www.carcity.ky/
TONY'S TOYS https://www.tonystoys.net/sales
Cost of Living Scenarios:
Stock Videos by Karolina Grabowska, cottonbro, Olya Kobruseva, Luciann Photography, Tima Miroshnichenko