If you're still having trouble getting that great edge on your coticule, try this modified technique. People have sent me stones they couldn't get to work and I discovered some interesting things with a new microscope I have. Great Stuff!
Here is the link to the vintage fire hose linen that is flax BTW:
The place for coticules is The Superior Shave (TSS)
The Scope (they're not cheap):
See my video for it with full instructions on how to purchase it and get the "Dr. Matt" discount:
Here is the modified technique:
Assuming you have a razor with a set bevel or at least one that shaves decent:
-Kill the edge on the rim of a glass or corner of the 8K stone
-Bring the edge back on the 8K and test with cherry tomato. You can do this however you want with circles, Xs, half strokes... I even make a slurry on the 8K then finish with light pressure under running water.
-Strop on fire hose linen only half a dozen or so.
-Go to the coti under running water for 30-40 passes with light pressure, Xs only, no circles
-Back to the fire hose for 50 then 100 on leather
Your razor may start to stick on the coticule before the 30-40 and that's OK too, you can stop there.
If you don't have the fire hose linen, you may need more passes on a fabric strop.