God is not a man that He should lie; every word He speaks comes to pass! (Numbers 23:19) He is a Covenant-Keeping God, a Promise Keeper, and the One who never fails. This song is a powerful reminder that God’s Word over your life will never return empty!
No matter what you’re facing, His faithfulness stands firm (Psalm 89:2). He is guiding you, covering you, and keeping you as the apple of His eye (Psalm 17:8). If He said it, He will do it! Hold on to His promises, because God is working, even when you don’t see it.
Worship with this sound, declare His faithfulness, and let this song remind you that God’s timing is perfect, His plans are good, and His Word never fails! Share this with someone who needs encouragement today!
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? Stream “Covenant Keeping God” on all platforms: Www.graceidowu.com
Song Title: Covenant Keeping God
Artist: Grace Idowu
Featured Artist: Godswill Oyor
Produced by: Ojo Jeremiah
Mixed & Mastered by: Paul Ojo-Ade
Video Directed by: @mikeageworld
Video Production: @cre8vid
• Lead Guitar: @Dguitroman
• Drums: @stepdrumz_ovie
• Bass: @official_sammybass
• Keys / Producer: @jerrydepianist
Background Vocals:
• Alto: @_becka_sings, @oluwabukola_olaoye
• Soprano: @iamjoymic, @theomameesther
• Tenor: @sam_idowu, @officialdara_niel
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/share/1Eavhthriu/?mibextid=wwXIfr
Twitter: https://x.com/graceeidowu?s=21
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/77XL22LWpJkV8djPjCNoNH?si=e8oPMQe8RIeZ4cpk9uoZkw
Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/ng/artist/grace-idowu/1494283140
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