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大提琴演奏經典國語流行歌曲串燒一小時『工作、睡眠用串燒』『cover by YoYo Cello』

吳登凱YoYo Cello 860,387 3 years ago
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這次收集頻道以往很受歡迎的國語流行歌曲,並且連續播放一小時,共14首,陪伴大家在平常無聊時可以聽~謝謝大家的支持,也祝大家新年快樂! (樂譜購買跟各式演出詢問或了解更多我可以點選這邊喔: ) 大提琴:吳登凱YoYo 攝影剪輯:Santon.W 目前沒意外的話每週六晚上八點半固定更新影片! 如果喜歡我的影片 記得幫我分享訂閱 並且打開🔔訂閱通知 更多 吳登凱 YoYo Instagram: Facebook : 各式演出邀約請私訊instagram或email我的信箱: [email protected] 吳登凱YoYo Cello 如果您有餘力,請贊助我讓我有更多資源去做出更好的音樂分享給更多人欣賞! 歐付寶| PayPal| (匯款) 銀行: 國泰世華(013) 戶名:吳登凱 帳號:115506188182 非常謝謝您的支持! ******************************** Thank you very much for your support over the past year. I specially selected the 14 most popular Mandarin songs in the past. I hope that I can use a whole hour of music to bring you full blessings. I wish you a happy new year! May all your wishes come true! 00:01 刻在我心底的名字 ( Your Name Engraved Herein) 05:00 心動 (Tempting Heart) 09:07 我願意 (I do) 13:27 領悟 (Understanding) 17:57 我期待 (I'm Looking Forward To) 23:06 偷故事的人 (STORY THIEF ) 27:18 年輪說 (Annual Ring Theory) 31:27 紅豆 (Red Beans) 35:28 秋意濃 (Autumn Concentration) 40:55 童話 (Fairy Tale) 44:43 聽海 (Listen To The Sea) 48:59 我們 (Us) 53:17 慢慢喜歡你 (Growing Fond of You) 57:24 月亮代表我的心 (The Moon Represents My Heart ) ********************************* Cello: YoYo Deng-Kai, Wu Video:Santon. W The new video will be fixed at 8.30 p.m. every Saturday. If you do like my video, please leave your message, share this video, subscribe to my channel, switch on the notification bell 🔔, Many Thanks! More information about YoYo: Instagram: Facebook: For any performances invitation, please do inbox my Instagram or email me at: [email protected] Your donations are welcomed and needed which is most helpful to me for making more good MV for you. Thank you for your support! Opay pays| PayPal| (Remittance) CATHAY UNITED BANK (013) SWIFT CODE: UWCBTWTP Beneficiacry: DENGKAI WU Account No.: 115087073299 (For USD)
