Part 1 of several videos on the subject. In this video I begin the process of converting an old Gilbaco oil burner to burn waste oil, a relatively straight forward process with the correct components and know how, I sourced the components from AliExpress, parts shipped fast with a 10 day turn around, not bad at all! For this build I ordered one siphon nozzle block with a 1.5mm jet, a waste oil burner specific logic controller, CAD cell (flame sensor) and a controller base which has all the connections for the burner components like motor, ignition transformer, solenoid for air supply and the oil thermostat start signal etc. An oil heating tank will be fabricated, this can be heated with an element then steam/hot water once the system is up to temp. I will be using the oil burners original oil pump as the transfer pump for filling the oil tank and controlling the fill and stop by means of a solenoid and the pumps own internal bypass as the pump is driving continuously. If you enjoyed the video please like and subscribe, more great content on the way.