A/B Testing questions are very commonly asked in Data Science interviews together with metric ("case") problems. In this video, we will go over everything you need to know about A/B testing. Make sure you stay till the end. I am going to share other A/B testing resources to help you with your interview preparation.
Read a More Comprehensive Article on A/B Testing
Step by Step Guide on Calculating Sample Sizes for A/B Tests
Cracking Product Sense Problems in Data Science Interviews
Udacity's A/B Testing Course https://www.udacity.com/course/ab-testing--ud257
My friend Kelly's post on Towards Data Science https://towardsdatascience.com/a-summary-of-udacity-a-b-testing-course-9ecc32dedbb1
Book: Trustworthy Online Controlled Experiments https://www.amazon.com/Trustworthy-Online-Controlled-Experiments-Practical/dp/1108724264
LinkedIn's Ego Cluster Paper
🟢Get all my free data science interview resources
🟡 Product Case Interview Cheatsheet https://www.emmading.com/product-case-cheat-sheet
🟠 Statistics Interview Cheatsheet https://www.emmading.com/statistics-interview-cheat-sheet
🟣 Behavioral Interview Cheatsheet https://www.emmading.com/behavioral-interview-cheat-sheet
🔵 Data Science Resume Checklist https://www.emmading.com/data-science-resume-checklist
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Contents of this video:
0:00 Intro
1:26 What is A/B testing
2:30 Designing an A/B test
4:46 Multiple testing problem
7:47 Novelty and primacy effect
9:38 Interference between groups
12:51 Dealing with interference
15:37 Resources