Never again have to use "trial and error" to draw an octagon! This easy method, using a ruler (or a framing square if you have one!) and a compass, is fast and accurate! All you need is the width of the octagon and the rest comes together flawlessly. You'll look like a genius!
#octagon #octagoncalculation #drawanoctagon
If you know the side to side dimension (width) of the octagon you want, you can draw it quickly and accurately using only a pen, ruler, and compass. If you have a framing square, that makes it even faster and easier.
You'll begin by drawing a square that is the same width and height as the width of the octagon you need. From there, you'll use a compass to mark off points. Watch DirtFarmer Jay as he shows you how.
You can scale the size up and down for other octagons you need, using a large-sized compass (available at an art store or Harbor Freight) and a yardstick.
If you need to make an octagon-shaped length of stock (such as a small column or turning blank to mount on your lathe), check out this "no-math" method for your table saw:
In yet another episode, we also show you the .414 ratio to calculate the side lengths of the octagon. For you "Octagon Geeks", we also provide you a link to a great online calculator for all the parts of an octagon. That way, if you have a couple dimensions of the part of your octagon, you can calculate the other parts. Cool!
Check that out at (COMING SOON!)
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