Welcome to my channel! After creating an amazing card and bookmark for a #kendrascardchallenge17 video hop featuring #bittypenny #pageturner #paperpad and #firstchapter #stampset I needed an envelope that would fit both...so, I created the #tagvelope! You can watch the original video here https://youtu.be/qUnMvYVNvQs
Follow along to see how you can use this handy creation to help with those odd cards and gifts that traditional envelopes just can't contain.
Find the stamp set here https://bittypenny.com/products/first-chapter-stamp-set
and paper pad here https://bittypenny.com/products/page-turner-vol-1
And find out how you can join in on #kcc17 here https://youtu.be/Iu_1HRIrW-g?si=-AnRZTy44RuJ3wNW
Find the envelope creator/scoreboard here https://www.hobbylobby.com/scrapbook-paper-crafts/punches-paper-craft-tools/paper-craft-tools/mini-card-envelope-making-kit/p/80888072?queryId=cc10730cd399abcfa23a29bd7d79593f