#GelliPrinting #MatisseInspiredArt #GelliPrintTechniques
I wanted to do this for some time: Matisse inspired gelli prints. I created the stencils and masks with my Cricut Joy but most of the masks can be hand cut easily. I had fun with his color palette as well and the new shapes were inspiring for me.
The colors I used were:
Golden Fluid: Phthalo Blue Green Shade, Teal, Pyrrole Orange
Amsterdam: Permanent Green Deep mixed with Primary Yellow
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❤️ Golden Phtalo Blue (Green Shade)
❤️ 4 Oz Golden Fluid Acrylic Teal
❤️ 4 Oz Fluid Acrylic Pyrrole Orange
❤️ Amsterdam Acrylic Standard Series Paint Set 12x20milliliter (both colors are in this set)
❤️ Gel Press Gel Printing Plate 8"x10"
❤️ Speedball Deluxe Soft Rubber Brayer, 4-Inch
❤️ Art Advantage Rice Paper 9" x 12" - 100 Sheets - Rice Paper Sheets
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