Crime Patrol New Episode Story: খুনি নিজেই পড়লো জানাযা | It's a True Story | Full Episode Uploaded
There were two friends.They both loved a girl. One of them was in love with the girl But the other friend could not bear it ...........Watch the entire Crime narrative.
A crime has been committed, and the police are looking into it. After seeing this crime scenario, you will understand how the police conduct their investigations and apprehend offenders. The Best Crime Patrol New Episode is this one. I hope you had fun.
Director: Ashraf-ul-Islam PPM
***This is an Original true story Drama Directed by Ashraf-ul-Islam PPM. pleases subscribe to this channel crime patrol bd to watch more true stories as Like Set India
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Series: Crime Patrol BD | ক্রাইম পেট্রোল বাংলাদেশ
Episode: Khuni Nijei Janaza Porlo
Concept & Plan: Dr. Mahfuzur Rahman
Director: Ashraf-Ul-Islam PPM
Writer: Shariful Islam Shamim & HK Hridoy
Episode Director: Shariful Islam Shamim
Presentation: Ashraf Ul Islam PPM
Cinematography: Khokon
Editor: MD. Akash Kabir Rony
#ক্রাইম #প্যাট্রোল
বিশেষ সতর্কীকরণ : এই চ্যানেলের কোন ভিডিও অনুমতি ছাড়া অন্য কোন চ্যানেলে আপলোড করা কপিরাইট আইনের লঙ্ঘন । আমাদের কোন ভিডিও অন্য কোন চ্যানেলে পাওয়া গেলে কপিরাইট নিয়ম অনুসারে ব্যবস্থা নেয়া হবে
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