【使用糸】フリーソック D20-7
26:05 完成
【Twitter】 : https://twitter.com/mocotarou10
・【編み方】円の編み方 1段から10段 カットなしでやってみました☆How to crochet a circle.
・【麻ひも×ソックヤーン】大きめのかごを作ってみました☆かごの編み方☆Crochet Basket
【使用している道具など】※Amazon Associate
・かぎ針:チューリップ ETIMOかぎ針セット プレミアムゴールド TEG-001
・かぎ針バッグ:LUXJA かぎ編み用トートバッグ 小もの かぎ編み 道具 保管 持ち運び グレー
・マーカーとして使っている物:ハマナカ アミアミ あみもの用具 ミニミニほつれ止めマーカー H250-715
Thank you for watching my videoes and for all your warm comments.
I think that my knitting videos showcase many parts of my own style,
which can be difficult to understand, but I will try to make the explanation as easy as possible.
I love knitting, but I can't read knitting diagrams and of course, I can't draw them either.
Even so, I could still enjoy knitting incredibly.
I hope many people will enjoy knitting in the same way through my videoes.
I've been to a simple knitting class, but I usually go with my own flow.
I love handmade crafts, so in the past, I've been involved in Japanese-style dressmaking,
and acquired the qualification of a nationally-skilled craftsman and also have the qualification of a nailist as a hobby.
There seems to be no relation between Japanese-style dressing, nails, and knitting,
But I have gained different insights from those experiences, and I think that it leads to free knitting.
I will continue to enjoy knitting, and I hope for those who are watching would also make something incredible on their own someday.
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